
Pace Brantley Preparatory School Administrators are Featured Experts in Orlando Family Magazine

When a child is diagnosed with a learning disability and needs specialized education, it can be overwhelming for families.  Where do you start? 

Pace Brantley Preparatory School has a team that helps guide our families through the process. 

Our head of school and principal are in an Orlando Family Magazine article with information and resources to help families.

Click here to read the article.

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Pace Brantley Preparatory School Students Shine In Lake Mary Life Magazine!

Two Pace Brantley Preparatory School Students are featured in the Summer 2022 edition of Lake Mary Life Magazine.

Pace Brantley Junior Aidan Wilson and Alumni Hannah Allen are both highlighted for their amazing art work.

Click here to read their articles.

Hannah’s article is on pages 52-53.

Aidan’s article is on page 64.

Congratulations Aidan and Hannah! We are so proud of you!

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Pace Brantley Preparatory School Featured in Orlando Family Magazine

Pace Brantley Preparatory School not only works with students with identified learning disabilities we also work with those who have anxiety. We provide strategies to successfully teach children how to handle anxiety in school, in social settings and their future. Our school principal and high school guidance counselor are in an Orlando Family Magazine article […]

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