Join our Pace Brantley Preparatory School Eagles Basketball Team.
Middle and high school students.
9/9 – 10/21
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Time: 3:45-5:30
After 10/21
Practices and games will be on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Schedule will be released soon
Cost: $400.00
Concussion Protocol
The State of Florida Insurance companies are requiring all afterschool sports or activities to be aware of concussions.
If any child at Pace Brantley Preparatory School plans to participate in any afterschool physical activities or sports, the parent will need to be aware of concussions.
The parent or guardian of the child will need to watch a video and take the short quiz on concussions.
- Click on link
- Click courses at top
- Click Parent on left side
- Scroll down to concussion in sports
- Select state in the dropdown menu and order free course
- Create an account
- Watch video (approximately 10 minutes) and take quiz
- Email Mrs. Field the certificate of completion
You need to complete this protocol once a school year for your child.
Complete and submit this form to register for Basketball
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